I`m Saret,
I would like to join u because I don`t like to play such games on my ovn and you`re one of the strongest alliances In sgw.de.
I`m oline whenever I can I`mgoing to high scool so I`m on befour I go to scool and after 7hours when I come home. We have GTM +1h.
On sgw.de I was in allegiance at the start. I got kicked because they startet to recruet.
Amon Re sad that he would vote for me and a friend of his.
I`m more the covert typ and thats why I first build my def...cov...income/up...and help others.
I`m playing sgw.com, tribalwars.net and I played other similar games which name I can`t remember.
I hope you`ll aceppt me.
Sareth ID:18834 am goa`uld!?